Guitar Equipment
Geekola Music


Studio Equipment

Guitar Equipment

Guitar Dude



Guitars & Amps

Peavey EVH Wolfgang Special

1980 Fender Lead II  w/Hotrails pickup (bridge)

1980 Fender Lead II  w/Hotrails pickup (bridge)

1992 Fender Stratocaster (Made In Mexico) Modified by Red Lady Guitars.

1999 Fender Stratocaster (Made In Mexico) w/Hotrails pickup (bridge)

2004 HSS Fender Fat Strat w/Floyd Rose (Made In Mexico)

1953 Fender Telecaster (w/replacement neck)

1987 Vester Strat  w/Hotrails pickup (bridge)

1999 ESP LTD M-350

2002 Kramer Focus 111s w/Hotrails pickup (bridge)

2 x Epiphone Les Paul Special II

Schecter Omen-7 seven string

Line 6 Variax 600

Hofner Acoustic Guitar

Yamaha FG-420 Acoustic Guitar

Yamaha APX-5A Acoustic/Electric Guitar

Marshall JCM-800 Lead Amp

Marshall Valvestate 100v Model 8100 Amp

Marshall 4x12 cab

Earth 1x15 cab

Peavy Studio Pro 112

Yamaha Fretless Bass

Lester Base

1962 Micro-Frets Base




Effects and Other Stuff

Line 6 XT Live

Line 6 X3 Live

Line 6 M13

GIG-FX Mega Wah Pedal

Digitech Whammy Pedal

Shure VHF Wirless

MXR M-133 Micro Amp

Marshall JH-1 The Jackhammer Distortion Pedal

Boss GE-7 Seven Band EQ

Boss CS-3 Compressor/Sustainer

Boss CE-3 Chorus

Boss BF-2 Flanger

Boss RV-2 Reverb

Boss DD-3 Digital Delay

Boss BCB-6 Pedalboard/ Carring Case

Current Live Setup

Main Fender Strat > Gig-FX Mega Wah > Digitech Whammy Pedal > Line 6 X3 Live > Marshall v8100

I know there are "purist" out there that would slam me for this setup BUT it works. I had a guy play a few tunes at one of my band's shows and he was impressed with the tone I got. May I add he is a "Tube" purist. Now he's looking in to getting a Line 6 POD X3 LLive. And by the way, 90% of YOUR tone comes from YOUR hands. Not the equipment.







Geekola Music