Computer # 1: ASUS M3N72-D Mobo w/ AMD Phenom FX 2.4 ghz Quad Core. 4 gigs of 1066 mhz DDR2 RAM. Running Windows XP with Cubase SX 3.1, Soundforge 9.0, Acid 4.0 and EZ Drummer (all model packs). Dual 17" monitors and 750 gigs ofhard drive space. Echo Layla 24 soundcard.
Computer # 2: Gigabit AMD dual core CPU mobo with 3 gigs of ram. Running Windows XP Home Edition. This computer is for artwork, internet stuff and a little bit of gaming (UT2003, Halo, Unreal II). Photoshop 5.5 and CD templets software.
Computer # 3: EPOX K3A Mainboard, AMD 2.8 ghz with 1.5 gigs of DDR RAM running Windows XP. LG multi-format DVD RAM Burner. 500 gig Hard drive space. Line 6 UX8 multi-channel USB audio interface. Cubase SX #3.1, Soundforge 9, Acid 4.0. Sony 15 inch monitor. Rig is located at the bands’ rehearsal space.
Compaq Laptop: On-The-Go Music Workstation with Line 6 UX8 soundcard.
Alisis ADAT XT20: Digital 8 track recorder. Used for an additional 8 input to the Echo Layla 24 soundcard.
JL Cooper Datasync2: Syncronizes The ADAT to the computer.
Mackie VLZ-1604: 16 Channel Analog Mixer.